Odisha tourism has invited amateurs and photographers to send in their entries at oritour@gmail.com. Tourism department is intending to buy some high quality photographs on negation basis to be done by committee. Please send in your entries at the email…

Suggestion to Odisha Tourism for improvements – 2
Ashutosh Behera Writes: First of all thanks to you for all your effort to promote our state. wrt tourism, we have much more to offer to the world. few of the points. 1. We can arrange more number of beach…

Suggestions to Odisha Tourism for Improvements
The article is a collection of ideas on how to improve Odisha tourism. Let us know your ideas via comments and Contact us page or Email us too so that we can send it to the concerned. Ajay Rout suggests: First…
Jagannath Nabakalebar: Suggestions to Odisha Tourism on branding
Shaswat Panda Says: Branding: we need a string identifier symbol to attach the idea of Nabakalebar in the minds of ppl Amrita Sabat says: Completely agree wid @shashwat_panda dat v need dedicated #SocialMedia Team & bloggers 2 promote #Nabakalebar 24/7…