Puri Police on Tuesday launched a Facebook page for the benefit of the pilgrims and tourists who will visit the Pilgrim Town during Nabakalebara next year. The page contains telephone numbers of police control room and e-mail address of senior…
Jagannath Nabakalebar 2015 Facts
Nabakalebar, the periodical renewal of the wooden images of Lord, Jagannath, Bhalabhadara, Subhadra and Sudarshan. After the year 1996, next Nabakalebar festival is going to happen in 2015. The Puri Rath Yatra will be named as Nabakalebar Rath Yatra in…
LED Screens to be setup in Puri Sea Beach for Jagannath Nabakalebar
For the first time devotees will have the glimpse of World Famous Rath Jatra during Nabakalebar-2015 through LED large screen while enjoying the serene sea beach of Puri. Thanks to the initiative of India Tourism Development Corporation Limited (ITDC) to…
Puri Jagannath Nabakalebar 2015
It is an ancient ritual associated with Jagannath Temple, Puri, Odisha, India (60kms from the city of #Bhubaneswar)when the Idols of LordJagannath, Balabhadra, Subhadra and Sudarshan are replaced by a new set of Idols. A year which has two months (Adhika masa) of Ashadha as per the Hindu…