Bhubaneswar Buzz

Did you know Kalinga Lancers made the highest bid in Hockey India League this season?

Kalinga lancers 2016 bhubaneswar buzz

Hockey India League’s opening match will be played in Bhubaneswar on January 18, while Ranchi, will host the semi-finals and final (February 21) for the third time in four years

The six franchises battling for supremacy in the richest field hockey league in the world are Chandigarh-based Jaypee Punjab Warriors, Delhi Waveriders, Kalinga Lancers, Lucknow-based Uttar Pradesh Wizards, Dabang Mumbai and defending champions Ranchi Rays.

The opening match of the tournament will be played between the Kalinga Lancers, who made the biggest buy of the season at S105,000 of German Moritz Fuerste and Uttar Pradesh Wizards, at the Kalinga Stadium on January 18.

