Shi/Internet Crow Lunches its senior Connection program on the eve of its 10th anniversary Celebration. Aim to teach computer basics & mostly Internet Skills to senior citizens and elementary school youngsters.
The mission of eLiteracy is to empower citizens to increase computer availability and Internet literacy focusing on underserved youth, families, and seniors citizens. We feel being an aware company it’s our duty to eLiteracy our citizens.
For more details you can visit our website or email us at
Course Inclusion
Computer Literacy: Basic use of Both Windows as well as Mac
Financial Connect: Explains how to make online transactions, Learn Internet Banking as well as Basic of Other financial Websites.
Non Profit Assistance: How to identify real NGO & Fake Ngo
Understanding e-Governance: Understand the Government, its policy and how to communicate with the government.
Senior Connect Program: It has been designed to promote senior citizen Computer & Internet Literacy. During the quick shift of digitalisation and wide use of internet Senior Citizens are worried of their eLiteracy and How to deal with this Change. Many Seniors are excited to learn basic application & are especially enthused by the prospect of sending email to family members.
Safe Connect Program: This program explains how to avoid scams, stay safe, make secure transaction as well as safe Online transaction.
Community Connect Program & Grow Social: Connecting with the society by means of Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, linked In and many more sites. Getting used to email. Create, send & Receive emails.