Bhubaneswar Buzz

Odisha draws ambitious eco-tourism plan for Chilika Lake Development

Chilika 1\

Odisha has drawn up an ambitious eco-tourism plan not just to find prominence on the domestic and international tourism map but to establish itself as a forerunner at the national level for perusing a progressive and sustainable tourism agenda that not only conserves the environment but also benefits local communities. 

This is critical as the tourism sector in the state has grown manifold and is now recognized as a major instrument for employment creation and all round development of the state. It is in this regard that an exercise on framing a Tourism Master Plan for Chilika Lake & its Catchment Area has been developed.

Odisha was chosen by Government of India as one of the 3 coastal states to implement the Integrated Coastal Zone Management Plan (ICZMP). The programme for preparation on Tourism Master Plan for the Chilika Lake and its Catchment in Odisha, is an initiative by ICZMPunder the Department of Environment, Government of Odisha funded by the World Bank. Chilika Development Authority is the implementing agency. IPE Global has beenselected to undertake this assignment in consultation with all stakeholders. 

Source: Orissa Diary

